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Alimeria Ceramics appeared from the joy of spending quality time in a pottery studio, far, far away, in Canada. With every class I attended, I rediscovered the joy of creating with your own hands and nevertheless I got to meet special people in a warm and cosy space.  When I returned to Timisoara I felt the need to start my own pottery studio, to continue working with clay and sharing this joyand in special inspired by wild flowers and foliagethe textures they can offer.  

My studio grew slowly each month, but even now after two years, it amazes me how many wonderful people I´ve met all the way in this special space, sharing energy and ideas The joy of working with clay, dedicating quality time for yourself, considering that slow-down is not a movement compared to boring moments but to awareness and mindfulness, all this describes my reason to be for this studio. I want to offer people time to disconnect from the daily rushto enjoy the moments spent in here.